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About Me

I’m a dedicated role model for creating positive change as I have walked a challenging path in life and have committed diligently to experiencing growth with transformational results.
I’m compassionate, empathic and care deeply about the wellbeing of our community.


I have developed excellent communication skills through years of customer service roles. These have developed even more through my experiences with private coaching, communications courses (landmark forum and advanced course in Auckalnd) working with gifted children (The Head Office – in Taranaki) and guiding yoga and somatic dance sessions, through both listening and non violent communication.

Through my own journey to improve my life after much difficulty, I have a wide range of holistic knowledge and resources to share in my services to the community. This knowledge and these resources have transformed my life and I want this to be available to as many people as possible.
My desire is to share and teach a functional and holistic approach to yoga. I like to create a playful, thoughtful environment where everyone at any level can explore their own practise while I guide them.I am always studying to learn more health and wellbeing techniques to better myself and share with community to support improving the quality of life for all those who cross paths with me.

Velvet Scarlett

Yoga has been a significant part of my life for over a decade and one I am enthusiastic to share. In September 2018 I travelled to India to complete a 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training to further develop my understanding of Yoga.

Located in the Himalayan mountains near Dharamsala, Mahi Power Yoga provided a transformational experience and not how I expected. The focus was on Therapeutic Yoga, Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga and Yin.

This experience was a great foundation and brought up a ton of questions that lead me to explore other approaches to sharing yoga. It highlighted to me the complexity of the human body and mind, to question why we do something just because we are told to and explore the many ways to approach our health and well being.

I have since trained an additional 150 hours with acclaimed Yoga Teachers Jo Phee and Joe Barnett (Head students of Paul Grilley, one of the founding developers of Yin Yoga) specialising in Yin Yoga, detailed shoulder and spine anatomy, Yoga Nidra, Yang Flows and Myofascia release techniques. These trainings took my understanding of the human body to a new level and how to safely guide students in ways that work best with their body and frame of mind. I actually discovered Yin yoga when looking for ways to recover from intensive martial arts training. Once I started practising yin yoga my need for physio, osteo etc reduced significantly.

In 2018 I discovered Somatic Dance. Having never considered myself a dancer I found this practise freed me of the chains of self conscious, unworthy weirdo that I felt my whole life. It has allowed me to explore true authentic expression, released countless blocks to experiencing joy, connection and helped me feel emotions and let them go. The change I have experienced has been so profound that I trained to become a somatic dance facilitator in 2020, repeating again in 2021 and then became one of the first students to complete level 2 in 2023.
The dances I hold have become known in the Taranaki community for creating nurturing space for vulnerable people to bravely and playfully explore their expression of movement and belief patterns. I choose to play a diverse range of musical genres, making each experience quite unique.

I have been a committed member of Sakura Kan Japanese Jiu itsu since 2017 and became the 4th women ever, in the 30+ years that the club has run to be awarded a brown belt in 2022. The skills and character building I have experienced on this journey have been invaluable to the work I do and to my continual personal evolution.

I also play bass guitar and have played with bands all over the world over the past two decades. I love to share my poetry, musings, photos and connect with communities worldwide to create positive change in peoples lives.

I grew up in the Cotswolds in the UK, and following stints in London, California and Australia, I have found my soul take root in the depth and richness of Aotearoa where I have come home to myself.
