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Myo-Yin – A Recovery and Longevity Course

Contact me  with any inquiries.

What is it?
A course to compliment your physical activities. This recovery programme includes myofascial release and yin yoga = Myo Yin! Yin Yoga involves stretches held for a few minutes. By combining these modalities you can experience a deep and rewarding release in the body.

Who is it for?

Whether you’re an active sports person, martial artist, surfer, gardener, hiker, retiree or just want to move and feel better for longer this programme can benefit you.

What is myofascial release?

  • Myofascial release is a therapeutic technique that focuses on releasing tension and tightness in the myofascial tissues. The fascia is a multi-dimensional web of connective tissue that surrounds and interpenetrates muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels, and organs throughout the body. It provides support and helps maintain the shape and function of these structures.
  • Myofascial release is often used to address issues related to muscle pain, stiffness, and restricted movement. When the fascia becomes tight or develops adhesions, it can create tension and discomfort, affecting the body’s range of motion and causing discomfort and pain.
  • The myofascial release technique involves applying sustained pressure to specific areas of the body to release tension in the fascia. We do this through self-myofascial release using tools like massage balls.


  • Breaking up fascial adhesions: Adhesions in the fascia can limit movement and contribute to pain. Myofascial release aims to break up these adhesions, restoring mobility and function.
  • Increasing flexibility: By releasing tension in the fascia, myofascial release can help improve the flexibility of muscles and joints.
  • Alleviating pain: Many people seek myofascial release to relieve pain associated with conditions such as muscle tightness, trigger points, or fascial restrictions.
  • Improving posture: Addressing imbalances and restrictions in the fascia can contribute to better posture and alignment creating more ease.

My invitation to you:
Learn tools to create a regular recovery practise and build resiliency in your body and mind.

Get familiar with your muscles engaging and releasing.

My intention for teaching this course: 

Whilst strengthening your body is very important for increased health, it is equally important to balance out our activities with recovery and slow down, place a healthy stress on the tissues of the body and release. This course provides commitment and accountability for weekly attention to letting your body recover and release for longevity.
